
Are you a university student currently searching for an internship placement in Europe? Need look no further!

Allow us to connect you with our network of qualified companies who are also searching for highly interesting interns like you!

Why choose our agency?

We are highly devoted to helping you find the internship placement that matches your field of interest and preferred job tasks. We take into account your preferences and/or university requirements throughout the entire recruitment process. We aim to connect you with qualified companies, who have been thoroughly screened by our agency. It is imperative for us that you will be able to join a company which will grant you the utmost opportunity to learn, gain experience and grow individually as well as professionally.

If there are any concerns prior to or during the internship placement, you can contact us freely and we will do our best to find potential solutions.  

How to apply

See an internship placement on our website that has sparked your interest?

Simply click on it, and proceed by applying for this position. Next, we will contact you as soon as possible in order to set up an interview session with us. We will aim to choose a time and date which is best suited for you.

Erasmus+ Programme

One of the primary aims of The Erasmus+ Program is to provide students with opportunities to further develop themselves educationally, professionally and individually. This program is funded by the European Union, which provides grants for students interested in conducting a student exchange and/or internship anywhere in the world, depending on certain requirements.

Conditions & Requirements


The total study period abroad can be a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 12 months. As student, you can choose whether you wish to conduct a student exchange and/or a internship placement. However, the requirements of your home university needs to be taken into account, in regards to which choice you are able to make. For more information on this matter, please refer to the official website of Erasmus+ and your university.


If you are not a student but are still interested in finding an internship, please do not hesitate in applying to our recruitment agency. We don’t only offer job placements for students, but also to independents, irrespective of age.